S1 14 Different Shades of Grief - Coping With the Loss of a Lifelong Friend With Kate Wicker


In this week’s episode, Jennifer and Andrea have a candid conversation with author Kate Wicker about her experience with the loss of her dear friend, Misti, and explore how grief can be different when it is a lifelong friend. How does it feel different and how can you cope, especially when the person wasn't just a part of your life, but probably a part of your entire family's life? What are some things that we can do to remember those we've lost and find healing along the way?

Kate Wicker is a wife, mom of five, Living Faith contributor, and the author of Getting Past Perfect: Finding Joy & Grace in the Messiness of Motherhood (a 2018 Catholic Press Association Award Winner) and Weightless: Making Peace with Your Body. Kate is a frequent speaker at conferences and retreats as well as a monthly guest contributor to Relevant Radio. Kate is currently working on her first novel. From her home in Georgia, Kate strives every single, imperfect day to strike a balance between keeping it real and keeping it joyful. To learn more about her writing and life, please visit KateWicker.com or follow along with her not-so-curated Instagram feed @KateWicker.

In Loving Memory of Jerry Wicker and Misti

Scripture Verse: “Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy.” John 16:20

f you'd like to share your thoughts about the episode you can contact us at mourninglglorypodcast@gmail.com



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S1 E15 Dealing with Loss and Addiction with Belinda T. Mooney


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